Taste the difference and experience water at its best

Taste the difference and experience water at its best

Book a visit from our tasting van this summer to try our pure-tasting filtered water, and for the chance to win a HydroTap for your home

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Here at Zip, we’re the workplace hydration experts. And don’t just take our word for it – we took our tasting van on tour last year, and 92% of people asked preferred our chilled filtered water to ordinary tap water.

Our superior filtration removes impurities and contaminants from water, leaving you with a better tasting, more refreshing drink.

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92% of people asked preferred our chilled filtered water to ordinary tap water

“It’s just smoother, it’s that little bit colder… a little bit fresher”

This year, we’re giving even more people the opportunity to experience water at its best, so we’re heading back out on the road, and visiting workplaces up and down the country.

By booking a visit from our tasting van, you’ll be able to experience our filtered drinking water – chilled, boiling, or sparkling – view our full commercial range of HydroTaps, and speak to a Zip representative about your specific requirements. Not only this, but you’ll also have the chance to win a luxury HydroTap for home.

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Van tour

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