Zip Water News and Views


Struggling to keep your workforce hydrated? Sparkling water could help

Struggling to keep your workforce hydrated? Sparkling water could help

Staying hydrated at work is a topic we are very passionate about, here at Zip. And with good reason – keeping employees hydrated during the working day is known to improve productivity and performance. We've spent time researching how best to stay hydrated at work – have you seen our Ultimate guide to hydration? – and we know that the importance of staying hydrated at work cannot be overstated.

And there's so much more to this than showing a new employee a kitchenette, or setting up a tea-making rota. At Zip, we offer boiling and chilled, filtered water instantly with HydroTap, found in workplaces all over the world. But why stop there? Why shouldn't workplace hydration be a little more, well, fun?

Our HydroTap models also come with the option of filtered, chilled, sparkling water on tap, too. And it's more than just a fun addition. Drinking sparkling water has many benefits for staff and businesses.

But before we delve into that in more detail, it's important to remind ourselves about the importance of drinking water at work.

Why is it important to be hydrated at work?

Sparkling water aside, there are many reasons that staying hydrated at work is important. The human body is 60% water, so drinking enough throughout the day is vital for our overall health. As well as this, dehydration is an uncomfortable feeling, and can also result in feeling tired, having difficulty concentrating, and lower mental performance.

In our research for our Ultimate guide to hydration, we learned that when you begin to feel thirsty, you are actually already dehydrated. Which is why it's so important to keep drinking plenty throughout the day, both at work and at home.

A woman working on a laptop drinking water at a desk

How to stay hydrated at work

Recently, we compiled a download of our top tips for keeping employees hydrated in the office, where we go into detail on some of the best ways to help improve water intake for your workforce.

Encouraging workers to drink water regularly can be a difficult task – we also found through our research that 70% of people often go 7 or more hours without drinking any water at all. When asked why, two-thirds of people cited being ‘too busy’ during the working day.

With this in mind, keeping hydrated at work, and providing the right facilities for your teams to drink enough water is even more important than you may think. To help, here are some more tips from us at Zip to help.

Access to a hydration station

The key to helping employees drink more water throughout the day is to have great tasting, filtered water readily available, wherever they need it. At Zip, we offer different innovations for hydration in the workplace, from HydroChill, our bottle-filling solution, to HydroTap, our flagship instant filtered boiling, chilled, and sparkling drinking water tap.

Our latest innovation, HydroMe, makes it even easier to keep track of your hydration, with an intuitive app that allows you to see how much water you are drinking. Plus, it comes with  the option to add exciting flavour combinations into your drinks. Not only this, but HydroMe offers both lightly sparkling, and sparkling options, meaning the options for your own personalised drink of choice are (almost) endless.

Regular hydration breaks

Encourage employees to take regular breaks during the working day. Breaks help to combat tiredness and fatigue – you can take some time away from screens and refresh your brain – but by suggesting regular breaks for grabbing a drink, you'll help your teams to prevent dehydration and maintain their concentration for longer.

Although the health benefits of drinking water are numerous, it's worth remembering that it's possible to up your water intake through drinking alternatives to water. Try foods with a high water content, like cucumber – but even coffee and tea count! Taking a coffee break, or enjoying a chilled sparkling water while you take a breather between meetings, might not feel like a chore, but will help battle dehydration, and taste delicious too.

Providing a reusable water bottle

Offering employees a reusable bottle is a great way to help improve office hydration. Generally, a reusable bottle can hold more water than a glass, and with materials that keep water cold for hours, it's even easier to drink enough water and stay hydrated – it's even possible to add company branding to a water bottle for your workforce.

Filling a water bottle, and providing an easy to access refill station will save employees time, and help maintain hydration levels for longer.

A Zip tap used to refill a water bottle

The benefits of sparkling water, and how it can improve hydration at work

Offering filtered chilled water on tap is a great step towards helping employees drink enough water. And we know that people drink more when they really enjoy the taste. Our high level of filtration provides great tasting water on tap, but why stop there? The emphasis on the wellbeing and health of your employees has never been more important – for staff retention as well as overall productivity.

That's why at Zip we're big fans of sparkling water. It still contains all of the benefits of drinking still water, but the carbonation (or bubbles!) gives it an even more refreshing taste, and often stops the desire to drink sugary fizzy drinks. Plus, we know that if people enjoy what they drink, they will drink more of it. So by offering sparkling water, you're kicking your workplace hydration up a notch.

The red Zip Water tasting van with two women tasting filtered water

Of course, the best way to help employees to stay hydrated is to provide options that they love to drink. Some people may not love sparkling water. But we know that across the board, people love the taste of our Zip filtered water. In fact, when we took our tasting van on tour in London last year, 89% of the people we asked said that they would drink more if they had access to filtered drinking water.

Whatever the workplace, here at Zip we have hydration options for you. We believe that offering employees properly filtered water on tap is essential to wellbeing, and we're here to support you on your journey to avoiding workplace dehydration. Get in touch today for a solution tailored to your business.

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